Sunday, April 14, 2013

That VooDoo you do!!

I'm sure there is someone out there with a VooDoo doll with my name on it.

The last 3 weeks have been less than ordinary.

To recap:-

Two weeks before Bradley and I were to depart on our much anticipated trip to Holland and Disneyland Paris, I slipped on some loose hay and broke my leg. This necessitated deferring our trip by 6 weeks.

Into hospital for an operation to fix the leg. 7 screws and 1 plate costing $500 EACH!!!

Next, Nat had booked into a special art class in Byron Bay. Bradley and I decided to go with her and recuperate near the beach.

Nope. 2 days before we were to fly out, I develop a DVT in my injured leg. No trip to Byron Bay. No art class. No flying for 6 months. Trip to Holland now put off for 6 months!!!

Then to top it all off, Buster (one of our Beagles) got hit by a car and left on the side of the road with serious lacerations to his back and shoulders. Luckily he had an awesome Vet who stitched and cleaned him up.

So in summary. Some serious health issues. Trips cancelled. Holidays spoiled.

It's been tough.

So if you're the one with the VooDoo doll, is there any chance you could put it away please? I think I've enough for a while.


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